Tuesday, August 23, 2011

En Vino Veritas

There have been times in my life that I swore I was meant to be a European. Sitting on the piazza sipping red wine and reading a magazine sounds like a better way to spend an afternoon than almost anything else (if there was Ben & Jerry's involved, that would be even better!). As I embarked on my journey to get in the best shape of my life, I was faced with the cold hard truth. Alcohol is the enemy. I have always read that the single most dramatic change you can make in your diet is to cut the alcohol. I always assumed that this was just because alcohol is ridden with sugar and carbs and would embark on a "I'm skipping dinner and just having this bottle of wine" evening. Not only does this set me up to be a fantastic date (alcohol and no food is never a good combination) but I was only on the cusp of understanding the detrimental effect that alcohol had on my lifestyle and the hours in the gym to follow that were, in essence, wasted because of alcohol's effects.

I'm not against having a good time, in fact, I am all for it but I have had to come to terms with what I am sacrificing when I decide to have myself a little drinky. For me, except on special occasions, the trade-off is just not worth it. Not only does alcohol consumption allow you to take in empty calories that are processed like pure sugar, alcohol also becomes the first thing in your system that your body burns. Until the alcohol has been metabolized, all the other nutrients (i.e.- calories) your body could've been burning at this time have been put on hold. Also consider that, when under the influence of alcohol, it is often seen as a good idea to get a Whataburger taquito (yuck!). This combination is a double-whammy to your physical fitness.

Perhaps the most important factor in avoiding alcohol consumption when trying to build muscle and lose weight is the fact that alcohol consumption affects testosterone production. Women, when compared to men, have a fraction of the testosterone in their body. Because of this, alcohol consumption is even more detrimental to the physical fitness of women. The importance of testosterone production is that it enhances growth of muscle fibers and also increases fat metabolism. We're not talking about being a body-builder here, ladies. When it comes down to it, if you want your body firm and tight, you want muscle tone. When alcohol is consumed, it increases the breakdown and removal of testosterone from the blood while, at the same time, decreases testosterone production rate. These effects can last as long as 24-48 hours after alcohol consumption. When understanding these facts, it's no wonder that many people aren't too interested in busting their butts in the gym and not seeing the results they're working so hard for all because of alcohol in their system.

 My way of avoiding alcohol in social settings or when I've had a stressful day at work is to make myself a sparkling water with a dose of lime. It's a fabulous "trick" to play on yourself and it tastes so similar to a vodka and soda it's not even funny. My personal experiences in my fitness since I drastically reduced my alcohol intake have been too evident to deny as well as resulting in my Friday night restaurant tab declining significantly. At the end of the day, alcohol consumption is everyone's personal choice. However, I suggest that these facts be kept in mind when in Rome  ;)

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