Well, it has been a while since the last time I posted so I guess I have a lot of updating to do! Long-story short, life has become crazy busy and I have let some of the less taxing activities fall by the wayside (ie- this blog). I am now back to it and hope to be a source of motivation and inspiration for others. Here goes nothing:
After a grueling and mentally draining last month of contest prep, I found myself at 7% body fat coming into the show. This was a little lower than we were aiming for but it was still acceptable. This low body fat percentage came with its little treats- irritability, breaking out in sweats when eating, only fitting clothes being those that were more than 30% spandex and regular bouts of insomnia. Having a support system around me throughout the whole process was what really got me through. I would have to say that having these people around was the #1 most important aspect of my ability to succeed.

I was so pleased with myself and my nutritionist for getting me where I needed to be for my show. I have to be honest, there were days (just like any other competitor) that I felt completely defeated and doubted whether or not I could really get myself to where I needed to be. With a little faith and a lot of blood, sweat and tears, my body came in better than I'd even imagined. I also performed on stage better than I thought possible and exceeded all the expectations I'd had for myself. I placed 1st in Bikini D class and 5th in Figure earning a double qualification for Nationals at Team Universe in July- unbelievable! I was not only so pleased that I placed well at all but to also have been up against 30-40 girls in each category and still coming out on top was a definite testament to my training and dedication.

It was quite a relief to get a few days break from the diet and exercise but I had an appointment with my nutritionist 4 days later to reign me back in and get me back on track to compete in two months. I also hired a trainer to bring me in with the body type that I need to compete in Bikini at a National Level. We are now working on losing some of my muscle mass (this is as painful a process as fat loss) and putting a little more body fat back on. I am very anxious and excited to see how I place at a National Level but I am keeping my eyes on the prize- Pro Card baby! Flights and hotels have been booked and training has begun- no backing out now. From this date, I have about 5.5 weeks until the Greater Gulf States Pro/Am show in New Orleans which will give me some good feedback on my physique with about two weeks left to tweak my body before Team U which is about 7.5 weeks away!
So, here we go again. Follow along with me as I prep for another monumental step in my fitness journey. I hope that if anyone feels compelled to delve further into their fitness or nutritional routines, that you would feel free to consult with me on any questions, fears or accomplishments you'd like to celebrate. I love hearing from you :)